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  • Shaft Lean.JPG

    Shaft Lean

    A quick explanation of Shaft Lean

    The amount the handle to the club leans towards or away from the target.

    Towards the target = positive shaft lean

    Away from the target = negative shaft lean

  • Lie Angle.JPG

    Lie Angle

    A quick explanation of Lie Angle at Setup.

    Lie angle is the reference to how the club sits on the ground. The more the toe of the club is further from the ground the more “upright” the club position is. The more the heel is lifted away from the ground the more “flat” the club is.

    Lie angle can be changed by raising or lowering of the handle of the club.

  • Ball Position.JPG

    Ball Position

    Ball position is the position of the ball in relation to the midline of your body. Our guidelines for ball position are to keep the ball within the stance width at setup and the proper relationship to the midline depending on which sole you choose to use.

  • Stance Width.JPG

    Stance Width

    Stance Width - Simply how far apart your feet are from each other at setup. We refer to stance width distance from the inside of the lead to the inside of the trail foot.

  • Lie Angle Sole Visual

    A visual on the Lie Angle changes on each of the different soles using Gears Golf 3D Capture System

  • Shaft Lean Sole Visual

    A visual on the different amounts of shaft lean on each of the 8 sole setups using Gears Golf 3D Capture System