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  • Shifting Focus.JPG

    Shifting Your Focus

    When and what to shift your focus on is a key element of executing the shot at hand. This video walks you through the 3 simple steps.

    What are you trying to do?

    How are you doing to do it?

    Shifting your focus to your target.

  • The Process.JPG

    The Process

    The process of how to formulate the short game shot you need in the moment. It starts by asking these 2 simple questions:

    What you’re trying to do?

    How you are going to do it?

    Then shifting your focus to the target and executing the shot.

  • Scenario 41-2-1-2.JPG

    Shot Scenario 41-2-1-2

    A short game scenario where we are going to use the 41-2-1-2 formula to execute the shot.

    What you’re trying to do?

    How you are going to do it?

    Shifting your focus to the target.

  • Scenario 32-1-1-1.JPG

    Shot Scenario 32-1-1-1

    A short game scenario where we are going to use the 32-1-1-1 formula to execute the shot.

    What you’re trying to do?

    How you are going to do it?

    Shifting your focus to the target.

  • Scenario 31-3-2-1.JPG

    Shot Scenario 31-3-2-1

    A short game scenario where we are going to use the 31-3-2-1 formula to execute the shot.

    What you’re trying to do?

    How you are going to do it?

    Shifting your focus to the target.

  • Numbers to Art

    This Scenario shows 2 different shots. The first being a 1-32-3 repeated twice. The third being a 31-32-3. The idea behind this video is to show how small differences at setup using different sole positions can have large effect on the trajectory.